Texas Family - coming 11 October - teeny tiny *still in edits* excerpt...

Jack is getting ready for an important meeting he is attending with Riley...

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Time to act like a grown up, he told himself. He was a horseman but he was also running a successful business. Decision made, he pulled out his only suit jacket and pants, and he dressed quickly before he could change his mind. He was fiddling with the tie when Riley came back in the bedroom. Glancing in the mirror, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing and he stopped with the tie.

“What are you wearing?” he asked incredulously. Riley was in dark jeans and a button-down shirt. He turned to face his husband.

Riley shook his head. “I could ask the same thing.”

Jack went into defensive mode. “I wanted to show them I wasn’t just some cowboy—I didn’t want to let you down.” Damn. He never meant to add that last part.

Riley crossed the room and placed his hands on Jack’s arms. “And I didn’t want to come over as being up myself.” He rested his forehead against Jack’s and chuckled under his breath. “What are we doing here?” he asked wryly.

“Being something we’re not.” Jack closed his eyes. “They’ll see right through it, won’t they?”

“Change for me,” Riley said quickly. He released his hold on Jack, then rummaged in the closet before pulling out dark jeans and a white button-down. Finally he dragged out Jack’s best boots and stood back.

Jack considered the clothes, then looked at Riley. Copying his husband’s actions, Jack located the suit he loved Riley in most and a shirt, then added a tie to the pile.

“Change for me,” Jack repeated. “Let’s be who we are from the start.”

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