Nashville - 4.5/5 pure entertainment value and really good hair... and a *closet storyline*

I'm not a great fan of country music. My dad was and I grew up with it being played in the house. But the kind of country my dad listened to was probably the *hits* in *collections* back in the seventies and eighties. I have my favourite country songs (Tallahassee Bridge comes to mind) but in the main it isn't *my kind of thing*.


Well, I never did. I mainlined two seasons of Nashville and loved it.. and hell, I enjoyed the songs and the stories and the glamour of it all... and I am hooked.

All I can say is... roll on October for season 3... :)

I want to be Juliette... I want her voice and her figure and her hair... just saying...

And the lyrics to this song just make me :(

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