Christmas Anthology - Gorgeous new cover art AND support needed from editory and proof-readery type people...

Art by the awesome Meredith Russell
Calling all editory or proof readery type people...

EDIT @ 16:44 today

I can't believe it, I have had SO many volunteers. I am blown away...

All my editing positions are now full... I am just looking for a few proofers...

Original message was:

As you know I have a Christmas anthology for new authors, to show new writers and to give them a foot in the door...

What I need is volunteers... to give constructive support to each of the new fourteen writers... This could simply be reading and commenting on content etc up to a full edit...

This anthology is free and so I can't pay you as such, but anyone who helps me can choose some of my back issues (or new future books) as a HUGE thank you. I will also name check every one of you in the anthology.

Email me, or comment here, if you are interested and I will pair you with one of the new authors. Each story is short and based on the theme of the Christmas Season...



  1. I can help with the editing! ~Sam


  2. I would love to help in any way I can. Email

  3. I'd love to help as well. I've done some proof-reading for other authors.
