GRL events

The GRL event calendar is available here:

I will be generally walking about making a nuisance of myself, or sitting somewhere with wine... but there are specific places you will find me.

Wednesday 15

8:00 - book stamping volunteering with Amber Kell

Thursday 16

12:50 - 13:30 Author Lounge, Trillium III

Friday 17

9:00 - 9:55 Panel with Amber Kell, Stephani Hecht and myself - The Flawed Hero - Cypress I & II, games, prizes and a look at why we like our heroes flawed.

17:00 - 18:30 Pizza Party, non-GRL free event ticket holders only, hosted by Amber Kell, Stephani Hecht and Amber Kell. If you signed up for this then we'll be contacting you shortly.

Saturday 18

14:00pm - 17:00pm  - The GRL Featured Author Booksigning, Trillium II, III, IV

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